
  • Favela Resistance

    Published by PM Press, January 2025. Co-authored with Timo Bartholl, Christos Filippidis and the Minhocas Urbanas.

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  • Critical Perspectives on Predictive Policing

    Published by Edwar Elgar, February 2025. Co-edited with Vasilis Galis and Helene Gundhus.

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    Anticipating proof
  • New Borders

    Published by Pluto Press, November 2018. Co-authored with Evie Papada, Joe Painter and Anna Papoutsi.

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    New Borders
  • Athens and the War on Public Space: Tracing a City in Crisis

    Published by Punctum Books, April 2018. Co-authored with Klara Jaya Brekke and Christos Filippidis.

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  • Crisis-Scapes: Athens and beyond

    For the purpose of the conference that took place in Athens May 9th and 10th, 2014 we had asked our guests to develop some thoughts based on an idea or a question that we posed them. In collecting their answers, we aimed to create a framework for the preparation of the conference itself, and to […]

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  • Patterns of contentious politics concentration as a ‘spatial contract’

    Thesis Title Patterns of contentious politics concentration as a ‘spatial contract’; a spatio-temporal study of urban riots and violent protest in the neighbourhood of Exarcheia, Athens, Greece (1974-2011) Submitted Department of Geography, London School of Economics, December 2012. Successfully defended viva, March 2013. Examiners Tom Slater, Lila Leontidou Abstract Existing studies of urban riots, violent […]

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  • Revolt and Crisis in Greece

    How does a revolt come about and what does it leave behind? What impact does it have on those who participate in it and those who simply watch it? Is the Greek revolt of December 2008 confined to the shores of the Mediterranean, or are there lessons we can bring to bear on social action […]

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    Revolt and crisis in Greece